This is great news for environmental sustainability. Photos are a great way of creating awareness about the environment. They change the way human think and act towards the environment – a rethink of how they relate to one another and how they interact with the ecosystems that support their lives. Images have mental and visual power to influence human behaviour towards the environment.
We cannot overstate the importance of communication in imparting knowledge about environmental sustainability. People, especially children are visual by nature. Visual communications defies barriers to communications based on gender, age, culture, and language. Because human-environment behaviour is based on how people relationship with the environment is communicated using multimedia (photos, videos animations, films etc.), we need a whole range of environmental communication approaches to reach a wider audience – photos and video animations being some of the approaches..
Communicating environmental sustainability is creating space for awareness about the dangers of human activities on earth. This entails using communication to reach a wider audience – especially reaching children who are the future of tomorrow. Using different tools and techniques of communications plays a significant role in environmental sustainability. Using images and creating videos animations techniques with a long lasting visual effects is important in promoting environmental awareness.
Ice Flows is a scientific simulation game that tells the story of the impact of climate change on the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Players are responsible for controlling the size of the ice sheet in order for the penguins to get to their destination.
As sustainability takes different forms that require different degrees of awareness, video animation has become an important technological method available to reach a wider audience. Video animations are especially good for children because dissemination of scientific information through videos can easily be followed by children as compared to mass media where there is too much sophisticated information.
Because communication is what people see and understand, especially for young people who cannot follow the epistemic awareness of environmental sustainability, raising environmental awareness requires the adoption of tools that can have a wide spread impact. This can be done by using multimedia (images, videos, and films).