The first step in fighting climate change is electing leaders who will take action

Friday for Future 3rd International Demonstration in Stockholm Sweden

Climate change is leading to higher temperatures, record-setting heat waves, more frequent and severe droughts, heavy downpours, and rising sea levels. What is happening around the world lately is literally a catastrophe. The worst part is that poorer communities are among the most affected by the changing climate. Most affected communities are found in developing countries where extreme heat, air pollution, and flooding exist.

Friday for Future 3rd International Climate Demonstration in Stockholm Sweden

But, climate change affects much more than just our environment, it affects the economy, public health, and even immigration. When we vote, we are voting for the future of all of these issues and the future of our children and their children. Our vote could determine if our representatives choose to pass new legislation or uphold legislation that is already in place to protect our environment. We must make climate change a voting issue and communicate this urgency to others around us. As voters, we need to pay attention to what candidates are saying and doing on climate change. Elections are a great opportunity to influence climate policy, so let’s do it before it is too late.

Friday for Future 3rd International Climate Demonstration in Stockholm Sweden.

Engaging with local politicians through letters and demonstrations would show the level of seriousness required to influence politicians to pass legislation to mitigate the impact of climate change. We have to use the power of our voices and votes to force political action.

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